Wednesday, January 4, 2012

New Student 4 Week Tango Series

Always wanted to learn the Tantalizing Tango? Well here is your chance, you won't want to miss our New Student Tango Series for the month of January. A four week series starting January 4th, Wednesdays' @ 7:30, come and learn the American Tango. You will learn new moves, technique and lead and follow concepts. Each week you will build on what you learned the week before, by the end, you will be ready for the Bronze Tango groups we offer at the ABDI. Learning in a group setting is a great way to learn from others, improve your technique and lead/follow skills by dancing with others and make some new friends. Punch cards may be used for the class or the drop in rate of $12, no appointment necessary, just come on in and we'll get you dancing! See you there!

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